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Call for Papers – EEPB Doctoral Meeting 2024

Veuillez trouver ci-dessus l’appel à communications mis à jour pour la 10e rencontre doctorale de l’École européenne de protohistoire à Bibracte.

Ces rencontres ont lieu depuis 2015 et ont fourni une plateforme pour les doctorants et les jeunes docteurs de toute l’Europe pour discuter et collaborer sur des questions liées à la Protohistoire.

La rencontre doctorale se tiendra du 14 au 16 mars 2024 au Centre archéologique européen de Bibracte (Bourgogne, France).

Les chercheurs en début de carrière sont invités à proposer une contribution sur le thème suivant :

L’identité et le soi
Comment l’archéologie crée des identités protohistoriques.

Les contributions peuvent prendre la forme d’une présentation orale (20 minutes) ou d’un poster (avec une présentation orale de 5 minutes) en anglais ou en français.

Les propositions doivent être soumises avant le 15 décembre 2023.

Les Rencontres doctorales offrent une excellente opportunité aux chercheurs en début de carrière de partager et de discuter des nouvelles méthodes, théories et résultats de leur recherche doctorale. Il s’agit d’une occasion précieuse d’améliorer les compétences en matière de présentation et de recevoir des commentaires constructifs, ce qui peut aider à rédiger des travaux de recherche.

Les participants peuvent séjourner à Bibracte du mercredi 13 mars au mardi 19 mars. Pendant cette période, le Centre de recherche couvre les frais de nourriture et d’hébergement des participants.

Le commité d’organisation


Dear colleagues,

We are excited to share the updated Call for Papers for the 10th Doctoral Meeting of the European School of Protohistory in Bibracte. These Meetings have been taking place since 2015 and have provided a platform for PhD candidates and young doctors from across Europe to discuss and collaborate on issues related to Protohistory. We are excited to continue this tradition and look forward to receiving your submissions.

The Doctoral Meeting will be held 14th-16th March 2024 at the European Archaeological Centre of Bibracte (Burgundy, France).

We invite Early Career Researchers to propose a contribution on the following theme:

Identity and the Self
How Archaeology Creates Protohistoric Identities

Contributions can be made in the form of an oral presentation (20 minutes) or a poster (with a 5-minute oral presentation) in English or French.

Proposals must be submitted by December 15th 2023.

The Doctoral Meetings offer an excellent opportunity for researchers who are at the beginning of their careers to share and discuss new methods, theories, and results from their PhD research. This can be a valuable opportunity to improve presentation skills and receive constructive feedback, which can help with writing up research.

Participants can stay in Bibracte from Wednesday, March 13th to Tuesday, March 19th. During this time, the Research Center covers food and accommodation expenses for the participants. Throughout their stay, participants may use and work in the Center’s library, which is open 24 hours a day.

In celebration of the EEPB’s tenth anniversary, we have invited renowned experts in the field to deliver keynote lectures at our upcoming event. Their extensive expertise and diverse backgrounds are sure to bring a wealth of knowledge and unique perspectives to the table, which will undoubtedly enrich the discussion and provide valuable insights.

In addition to the conference, we have an excursion scheduled to visit the archaeological site and museum of Bibracte. The site has great historical significance as it was once the capital of the Aedui tribe. During the visit, we will have the opportunity to explore the archaeological remains of the oppidum and the surrounding landscape of Mont Beuvray. Furthermore, the museum houses an impressive collection of artifacts and provides valuable insights into the history of Bibracte.

On Monday, March 18th, we will be hosting a workshop on Science Communication which will be presented by a team of experts in Writing for the public, Social Media and Museum Studies. The workshop will cover various aspects of Science Communication such as how to effectively communicate complex scientific concepts to the public, how to use social media to disseminate information, and how to engage with the public through museums and other public outreach programs.

For more information about the event, please refer to the attached Call for Papers.

If you have any questions, you can contact:

The Organizing Committee:

Please share this information widely. Our aim is to have a variety of speakers with diverse backgrounds to discuss the concept of Identity from different perspectives.

We hope to see you soon in Bibracte,

The EEPB 2024 Organizing Committee

For updates, you can follow us on:



EEPB Website

CfP on ResearchGate English

CfP on ResearchGate French

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Eneko Hiriart (16 novembre 2023). Call for Papers – EEPB Doctoral Meeting 2024. Le blog de l'AFEAF. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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