Appel à communication – EAA 2021
Veuillez trouvez ci-dessous un appel à communication pour une session du prochain colloque de EAA en septembre 2021 (qui aura lieu en virtuel).
La nouvelle deadline est fixée au 26 février.
Call for Papers – EAA 2021, session 16
“Economic archaeology” and quantitative approaches – Measuring the variations in production and consumption from archaeological data
Jessica Keil (University of Innsbruck, Dep. of Archaeologies) – Clara Millot-Richard (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne UMR 8215 Trajectoires) – Béline Pasquini (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)
Quantitative approaches of production, trade and consumption are vital for archaeologists and historians interested in economic growth and standards of living. Many archaeological studies based on quantitative approaches have already been done. Most of them are based on multiple variables such as storage capacities of granaries, the type and size of exploitations/workshops, the evolution of cattle’s size, or the circulation of certain goods. However, despite what has already been achieved, many archaeologists working on production and consumption still disregard quantitative approaches and limit their focus on technical processes without integrating these into a broader economic scheme. Measurements of economic fluctuations can indeed be challenging. Economic sciences themselves have been created in and for modern times. They often offer limited resources and tools for ancient times. Moreover, archaeological materials differ significantly from written sources used by historians working on contemporary and early modern economies.
We believe it is crucial to develop more economic and quantitative studies for pre-modern economic systems. This session welcomes papers presenting innovative methods to measure variations in production, trade and consumption on short and long-term timelines, on small and large scales. We view this session as a think tank, a space that will allow concrete reflections on the matter. Contributions dealing with the implementation of theories or methodologies coming from modern economics into archaeological research are also welcome. We accept papers ranging from prehistorical sedentary societies to mediaeval times, without geographical restrictions.
Paper proposals should be submitted via the online submission form available at February 26 2021, 23:59 CET. After this date the session organizers and the Scientific Committee will evaluate all contributions and sessions and decide whether the contribution is accepted, rejected, recommended for revision or suggested for different session than submitted to. Please note that the conference will take place, even though Covid19 prevents a meeting in person.
For assistance with the online submission, please contact the EAA Secretariat at For further information regarding session 16, please contact the session organizers at
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Eneko Hiriart (16 février 2021). Appel à communication – EAA 2021. Le blog de l'AFEAF. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse